Starting a new remote GIG can be an exciting yet challenging
experience. This article will let you know about Omni Day here at Omni. You
will be provided with a step-by-step guide that will ensure your Omni Day can
be as smooth as possible with us. Omni Day is Omni’s onboarding day for GBAs.
During this day not only will you learn about Omni’s culture and values, you
will also learn about your Omni Tools that you will be using on the Omni
Platform on a day to day basis.
Prepare Your Workspace
1. Select your Location.
Chose a quiet, comfortable sprot for your home office. Select a place in your home that is free from distractions and noise. If you can close the door that will be very advantageous to you as well.
2. Setup your Home Office
Review your Omni Day Schedule
1. Look for your Gig Contract Overview Email
Look for your Welcome Email containing your Gig Contract Overview. This item will outline not only your Omni Day schedule but your Certification, Earn & Learn, and Production Schedules as well. You can refer to the Omnipedia Article
About Gig Contracts with Omni if you would like more information on your GCOs or Gig Contract Overview.
2. Try to come in early.
Try to come in early, but not too early. Since this will be the first time that you will meet your virtual Certification Team, try to come in a little early. At times you might need to register to get into a Virtual Classroom for Omni Day. You can refer to the Article Registering for Virtual Omni Certification for more information on the steps you MUST complete before coming into your Virtual Classroom for Omni Day.
3. Keep an eye out for that timezone.
Since Omni is a remote work from home company we work in many different time zones; make sure you understand what time zone your Virtual Certification Class id going to be held during. If you would like more information on how to check the time zone you are in or to convert times you can refer to, you guessed it, the Omnipedia Article
What time is it there? - Time Map fore more information.
Yes, Omni Day is about getting into your Omni Tools, and learning about Omni, but signing into some of your more important Omni Tools before coming into Omni Day will ensure that you have a smoother experience. This allows you to spot any issues before Omni Day so your GPS can focus on assisting you with troubleshooting any issues you are unable to solve beforehand. Some of the tools you want to ensure you are logged into are:
- Your Omni Single Sign On Information; Learn more here: Getting Started with the Omniverse - Omni Credentials Single Sign-On
- Your Omni Multi-Factor Authenticator or MFA; you can learn more here: Keeping Secure on the Omni Platform - MFA Setup
- Microsoft Teams for your Virtual Classroom; you can learn more here: Communicating in the Omniverse - Microsoft Teams Setup
- And finally, your Omni Email, you can view those steps here: Communications - Your Omni Email
Attend Omni Day
1. Join in on your virtual classroom at the designated time.
Use the link that is within your Welcome Emails to ensure that you are joining in the correct virtual meeting room.
2. Meet your fellow GBAs and GPSs.
Be prepared to introduce yourself to your peers, after all you will be spending some time with them not only in Certification, but also while you are working on the Project as well.
3. Learn about Omni.
Your GPSs will provide you with a course that will allow you to learn about Omni while also viewing your Omni Tools.
Your GPSs will guide you into the Omni Tools that you will be logging into at designated times, please be sure to listen attentively as they will also be troubleshooting any issues as well during these times.
Be sure to keep an open line of communication with your GPSs about any issues you are experiencing when logging into your Omni Tools. Your GPSs may provide troubleshooting steps or direct you to where more information is held on where the resolution of your problem can be found.
Tips for Omni Day
1. Stay Organized
When your GPS is going through what you be learning about in the day try to keep a checklist for yourself to ensure you don't miss a step, topic, or tool.
2. Be Proactive
WE love communication here in the Omniverse, do don't hesitate to ask your GPS questions, if you need clarification on a step, topic, or tool.
3. Maintain a Positive Attitude
Omni Day is of course onboarding day for a lot of GBAs. Onboarding of course means logging into tools, which anyone who has dealt with technology will tell you, tech issues are always bound to occur. Have patience as your GPSs work through tech issues to ensure everyone can get into a tool properly.
4. Avoid Distractions
Avoid distractions during your Omni Day experience, you want to ensure that you don't miss a step, or a discussion on a topic that is important.