Teams - Audio Issue

Teams - Audio Issue

If your having audio issues in Microsoft Teams, make sure your USB headset is plugged in, then follow the steps below:  

  1. In the upper right corner of Teams, click on the three dots next to Omni Interactions, Inc
  2. Click on Settings 
  3. Click on Devices 
  4. Click on Make a test call 
  5. Follow prompts and complete a test call 
  6. Once the test call ends, you'll able to view your test call results.  
Special Note: If you are having audio issues in Teams but you are INSIDE SRW, you may need to follow these additional steps:


 If your still having issues, open a ticket by using the Bot in the bottom right hand corner, select DESD - Tech Support, and follow the prompts. To avoid confusion, please do not open more than one ticket. 

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