General - Audio/Headset Issues

General - Audio/Headset Issues

Special Note: If you logged into with MFA, click this link to see a video explaining these steps: Audio Issues.webm

Audio/Headset issues can happen for a variety for reasons. Two of the biggest reasons for audio issues is internet speed and not disabling unused devices. 

Step 1: Go to and click Go. 

      The speedtest below is way above our minimum requirements but is ideal for working from home. If your speeds are much lower than you are expecting, you can restart your router. If your still not getting the speeds you want, reach out to your internet service provider. 

Step 2: Even if your internet speeds arent the greatest, you can disable unused devices to improve call quality/unexpected issues. Before logging into any tools, make sure your USB headset is plugged in.

Step 3: In the Search Bar, start typing sound settings. Then click on Sound Settings. 

Step 4: Scroll down until you see More sound settings. Click on it. 

Step 5: Disable devices other than your USB Headsphones, by right clicking on what you dont need, and disabling it. Dont worry, you can turn it on again later. 

Step 6: Click Apply and Ok as needed. Now you can log into your tools. 

Special Note: If you are using SRW, please follow the steps above, but follow the steps in this article relating to SRW specific adjustments. 
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