Step 1: Download FIS Authenticator on your phone
Step 3: Match screen settings below
Step 4: On your phone, Open FIS Authenticator. Click OTP Soft Token
Step 5: Use QR Code Step 6: Scan QR Code
Step 7: You will now see a QR code on your computer screen Scan it with your phone, then click Proceed.
s Step 8: On your phone, you will see two fields, Issuer and E Login.
Issuer: Enter your Full Name
E Login: Enter your LC#
Click Save
Your phone will then start generating 6 digit Pins
Step 9: Let the 6 digit Pin change one time. Then enter the 6 digit Pin into the OTP Code. Click “Validate OTP”
Step 10: On your computer, click the Yes bullet. Enter the same device name as Step 2. Proceed.
Step 11: There will be a TON of APPs. Select FIS Regulatory University (Corporate Edition)
Step 12: Complete the courses. An example is below: