Avaya - Logging out of Avaya & Ending Your Work Day

Avaya - Logging out of Avaya & Ending Your Work Day

Logging out of Avaya to End your Work Day

This article will provide essential information on how to Log Out of the Avaya Softphone once you have completed your selected shift and are ready to end your Work Day. Please review the information below or quickly jump to a section using the Table of Contents located on the right-hand side of this Article. 

Logging out of Avaya - Lunch or Break

Once you have completed all of your selected shift window and need to take a scheduled Break or Lunch, you will need to properly log out of the Avaya Softphone to ensure you do not receive calls during your downtime. Please view the process below to logout of Avaya for Lunch or Break. 
  1. Once you are no longer on a call, you will click on the Agent Workspaces or Workspace down-down menu located on the top right-hand corner of your browser. 

  1. When the Workspace drop-down menu opens, you will hover your mouse over the 'Go Not Ready' option. 

  1. You will then select the appropriate option on the side pop-up menu that appears.

Please Note: Depending on your Client or Project you may be asked to fully log out of Avaya for a Break or Lunch instead of using the Statuses. Always reach out to your Project Support Team or GPS for clarification on the proper procedures. 

Ending Your Work Day in Avaya 

Once you have fully completed your Production Work Day, you are now ready to logout of Avaya. To ensure that you do not face any technical difficulties logging into Avaya for your next Production Work Day, you will need to ensure that you are properly logging out of Avaya each day. To follow the Logout Process, please review the information below. 
Click on the Agent Workspaces or Workspace drop-down menu.

Once the drop-down menu opens click on the 'Finish Work' option.

Please Note: This will log you out of the Workspace, but you will still be connected within Avaya. 
  1. Click on the Agent Workspace drop down menu again, and then select the 'Exit' option. 

Please Note: It is important that you DO NOT use the browser 'x' icon as this could lead to technical and audio issues on your next work day, which may lead to a decrease in revenue for your business. 
  1. To ensure you do not face any issues always follow the proper Avaya logout procedures within this article or as defined by your Project Support Team or GPS.

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