Here are a few steps to help you use the Chat pod while in Adobe Connect:
Text Size
- Click the 3 horizontal dots (...) located at the top right corner of the Chat pod.
- Hover over Text Size to increase or decrease the font of the chat text.
Note: This only affects the individual user and not everyone's view of the Chat pod. Feel free to make as large or as small as you'd like.
Chat Color
Do not change your "Chat Color". These permissions are reserved for the Hosts of the meetings, and they will ask you to change them back if accidentally changed.
Private messages
You can send private messages to individual attendees or to the hosts directly.
- Click the (+) plus sign at the top of the Chat pod next to Everyone.
- If you personally receive a private message, a red dot will appear at the top of the Chat pod to signify that an individual is trying to reach you.
Click image to view video instructions to initiate a chat using Adobe Connect.